When confronted with the doldrums of daily routine, the stress of constant responsibility, the effects of media drivel and political intrigues, the slow degradation of personal health, and the seemingly constant inoperability of our current regime’s systems, it becomes all too easy to believe that the society we live in is nothing less than hostile and bereft of peace and personal joy.

In the face of these realities the world tends to contract and we peer out only from within the chrysalis of how we exist.  We lose sight of the vast expanse of our planet.  We forego the intriguing facets of life and trade them in for the stress of countless responsibilities.  In doing so, the once mesmerizing magnetism of exotic lands and cultures, spiritual experiences, and endless places of adventure become distant thoughts that grow less relevant as time progresses.  We frequently relegate this occurrence to a form of self deceit or misdirection often labeled “the way things are” or “growing up” or “getting older”. In other word, we surrender.

Foregoing this mindset and placing a newfound importance on what you can do during days off, long weekends, or scheduled holidays can go a long way towards regenerating your Soul’s need for adventure.  Even a local foray or quick flight to an unseen locale is enough to re-energize long-dormant desires to travel and see new sights.  You’ll find that the needs to catch up on bills, clean the house, and sleep in are never the recollections that are retained in the long term.  Using those days to experience new places and venture out into the world, by comparison, are the memories that enliven your life.  Even if you devote once a month to a new enterprise you’ll be surprised at how rejuvenating the effort can be.

It’s understood that schedules and the consigning of yourself to a constant weekly sequence of sameness are difficult to break.  Humans are exceedingly susceptible to the routines created for them and it takes conscious effort to rupture the cycle and commit to fresh escapades.  Yet in doing so you will find renewed excitement that can affect multiple arenas of your life. 

If you are Soulkind, or seeking Illumination and are following the path of elucidation, stepping outside your standard mode of living and forcing a break in routine is a must.  It will contribute to your spiritual intensification, enrapture your senses, reinvigorate your youthful sense of wonder, and disrupt the dullness that arrives from human routine.

SoulJourner advocates, as part of your growth, adventure for everyone at all ages and level of understanding.  You don’t have to travel thousands of miles to do it; there are stellar experiences all around you waiting for the investment of your time.  From weekend classes on wine making, enlightening seminars and hiking groups, to super cheap hack fares that give you a couple nights in new and stirring locales, there is always a novel escapade waiting for you to experience it.

It often seems we’ve traded the above options in for the convenience that technology has given.  It now exceeds utility and concerns most every aspect of our lives.  This, along with our urban sprawl, high-rises, automobiles, smog, and the constant buzz of a modern society is relentlessly inundating our senses.  The peace many SoulKind search for ends up being self made havens inside our homes that attempt to provide a feeling of comfort amidst the madness of it all.  This is why being in the wild and away from the hedges of society is a lost experience that begs for rediscovery.  We should love woods and not walls, canopies of leaves over beds, natural darkness over false light, crisp morning air instead of HVAC systems , and the chatter of animals over the squall of myriad electronic devices.

Taking the time to remove yourself from the complications of a man made atmosphere refreshes you in ways not easy to quantify.  You’ll find that being among the natural creations of the world, the wilderness, the desert, mountains and lakes, will calm your spirit after just a couple short days of acclimation, providing a serenity and clarity you may have needed much more than you prior presumed. 

For Soulkind these experiences enliven our spirits and help us remain positive and composed amidst the rigors of demanding occupational routines, personal responsibility, and family objectives.  For those with tremendous daily and weekly responsibilities these small adventures and activities are often the only new experiences you can muster.  It is a necessity that you seek them out, plan, and commit to them.  You will find that their disruptive analgesic powers will unquestionably keep your Soul enflamed even amidst the overwhelming demands of a busy life.




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