The unfortunate limitations placed on the use of ayahuasca throughout most of the world is a damning testament to the handicapping of the terrestrial self and subjugation of spiritual tools. Those in authority and the people that so easily follow it have strangled the chances of utilizing this gift appropriately. They do it in the name of false fears, compartmentalizing titles such as drug scheduling, and a further removal of spirituality at the behest of governmental control. It is noted, though, that ayahuasca is best kept out of the hands of layman interpreters, thrill seekers, the curious, and even the neophyte seeking answers on an individual level. Yet, the proper procurement, distillation, and mode of ingestion prepared by trained spiritual healers should find exemption from the laws of a secular government as long as the edicts of said healers are found to be (admittedly a subjective matter) valid and beneficial.

It is an odd world indeed when a government advocates separation of church and state, yet holds command over an organization’s right to practice in a manner conducive to their needs. The healing of the mind has been entirely relegated to science and secularist studies while any spiritual interventionism is automatically met with skepticism and doubt. While it is understood that many charlatans have muddied the waters, there still exists practices that are committed to healing in a properly philanthropic manner.

The conclusions drawn here are that our current secularist government does not have the wisdom or the necessary knowledge to make a decision regarding who should utilize ayahuasca. It’s rightly so, really, because the Vine of Souls is a spiritual doorway, therefore beyond the capacity of an intervening secular entity. It is wholly and appropriately placed within the confines of its spiritual caretakers.

What should be understood by those in power is that ayahuasca is not considered a replacement to the many prescribed chemicals provided to society. It is an alternative medicine that can supply the seeker with influential remedies that often exceed those manufactured by man. For individuals that follow the path of spiritual illumination and seek to be healed, they have an alternatively potent means by which their faith is supplemented.

It must be noted that ayahuasca in itself is not considered by the members of SoulJourner to be the direct cause of so many verified healings. It is one of many activators that lead one into a place of deep spiritual connection. This connection, once achieved, is the primary source of their positive therapeutic response. Succinctly put, the vine provides a doorway to a non-terrestrial spiritual intervention, which is what ultimately heals and changes lives.

It is our hope that select spiritual leaders with the suitable knowledge and respect of ayahuasca, will be permitted to utilize it in the proper manner without fear of retaliation or confinement. Those of us who take part in its appropriate use know the amazing restorative results that have occurred. For the believer, spiritual intervention is the most sought out desire that we harbor. With the gift of ayahuasca, we actually achieve it, heightening our understanding and experience of life, spirituality, individual meaning, unbendable morals, mental stability, joy, and ultimately, our comprehension of death and the Soul’s immortality.