When struggling with Illumination, clothing is a much more aggravating difficulty than it should be.  Our surrounding tribal structures all have their demands on our attire in order for us to integrate more properly.  Starting from youth we’ve been clothed in what was seen as appropriate and for most humans it will never stop; even when laid out in the casket for a final viewing.

It’s amazing in this modern time that everyone is still confined to cultural clothing biases.  Right now, you are more than likely wearing someone’s brand of culturally accepted and marketed attire.  Without taking it into account, you may find that every piece of clothing you have is within the range of socially approved, mass-produced consumer goods…and this is how you’ve been duped; made to believe the choices are yours when in actuality you were provided limited selections within the spectrum of what is socially endorsed.

This cycle is what you have to do away with.

SoulKind realize the social fallacy in dressing according to what is required from our corresponding culture.  Foolish demands for a specific dress code are relics of our past; filled with strangulating laws and requirements that we look like everyone else.  The cycle of social manipulation regarding this is so ubiquitous in society that only a select few people wear what they want at all times while disregarding what is deemed socially correct.

If you want to further dissolve the shackles of human control, you’ll find that seeking liberation from the conventions of common dress can be a potent aid.  Such a simple thing as clothing can further advance your self-discovery and path toward Illumination, distancing you from the thoughts of “who am I” and “what am I supposed to do with my life”.  This is because individual expression in action further assists in the removal of any identity crisis and helps you find out exactly who you are.

If you want to separate yourself from tribal constraints, then you’ll realize quickly that fear of what others think is NOT an option.  Until your attire is an expression of your true person, you are still tethering yourself to a man-made illusion.  You cannot compromise in this, which is easy to justify.

To be who you really are and to advocate Soul Awareness, you must splinter the link to social manipulation regarding these illusions.  A SoulJourner is garbed in an outward expression of their inner freedom.  An exception to this (and it must be stressed that it cannot be used as a crutch) is you honestly like particular clothing that is common in the aggregate; just probe deep enough to make sure that there isn’t another reason for not crawling out of the mire of herd-thought.

Some favorite visual representatives are wildly colorful yet calm but always a result of authenticity.  You don’t see SoulKind wearing their attire for attention and as a means of saying HERE I AM.  They do it as an extension of themselves and the result is more normal than anything that was ever worn before Illumination.  Those that demand attention through attire are in actuality searching for something more than what the clothing provides; a telling example of human intervention and flawed thinking.  A SoulJourner is never more comfortable in anything other than what they presently wear.  This results in them remaining Constant and being a steady example of how to be free without any naïve display of neediness for others to look at them.

Finally, if your fear is the rather pedestrian sort, where you don’t want to be subjected to other people’s observations, then just remember:

A person that responds negatively to your individuality deserves your sympathy.  They are asleep to the truth and have yet to acknowledge any elucidating acts of liberty.  Knowing this shows you that any power their disdain at your appearance could have is just a trifle…the result of their unfortunate limitations.

Since you’ve hopefully read the SoulJourner book, you know that the scrutiny of a sleepwalker is weak; it has no weight or impact because they are the unaware ones, they aren’t Illuminated.  The illuminated are unaffected by the mockery and derision of others because we know it is the consequence of an ignorance we don’t possess.  Also, our job at all times, as sovereign beings, is to wrestle against the horde’s illusions.

In the end, work hard to overcome the tribe mentality and constantly be aware of the poison that social manipulation spreads.  Wear what you wish as an expression of your true self and others will gravitate toward you.  Their Souls will cry out and they will not comprehend why.  All they know is they feel a desire to talk to you, to ask you a simple question, or find a way to interact.  Be on your guard so that you see through their questions.  Those words are sometimes the cloak that surrounds their real intentions; intentions that they don’t consciously know.  They want you to teach them something, even if you only have a moment to do so. 

So many other Souls want you to help them wake up, if even just a little bit, and their provocations are telling signs of internal conflict and yearnings. If you know this when you see it, and you take action, you will change an untold amount of lives.