In a time of deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.


Although there are many relevant and regrettable conspiratorial moments in human history, every one of them is the consequence of one issue.  They are the result of the biggest conspiracy of all:  The human’s desire to destroy the truth about what you really are.

All of man’s atrocities were committed by sleepwalking individuals bound by overwhelming group and self manipulation.  Humans aggressively kill each other, experiment on one another, and place laws that bind others to the will of their governing bodies.  We are not contending with “the man”, nor are we facing one entity.  All the evil in the world is the accumulation of multiple humans acting on each other in constant motion.

The cycle of human exploitation is so beyond description that you can be asphyxiated by the overwhelming stench of it.  The horrible atrocities of the human race and its past are due to the actions of the human free of its master’s control.  This is why individual occurrences in this world do not compare.

These ghastly conflicts are the result of defective human plots and cyclic manipulation.  The Illuminated are incapable of these things, but the human will do anything to stay blind to the ultimate truth so that it can exist in the manner it chooses.

That manner is chaos.

Each time a person acts negatively toward another that is impressionable, they imprint a harmful memory on that human.  Every time a person treats themselves terribly due to such impressions, the results become more vivid and corrosive.  For many to attempt an exodus from the madness of their cumulative experiences, they have to commit to an entire deconstruction of their character.  Everything that you know has to be placed into question along with illogical laws and personal beliefs regarding higher power.  You do this in order to remove all of the caustic collective impressions ingrained in your mind by others.

The Illuminated are not religious zealots or the product of a structured law.  We are free; we are not affected by the incredulity of unaware humans and we are un-tethered from what man has taught each other to believe is the truth.  We are NOT the product of man’s thinking and will not cave in to the defective deductions of another person’s unsound demands, hateful remarks, or illogical requests.  We are a new breed; we are the change in the world.

Humans are corrupted by nature because they are part of this world and not the world beyond us.  They will manipulate anything in order to keep us focused on finding a way to rationalize depravity, maintain the cover-up, and remain asleep.  The other organic beings here are not corrupted because they lack the ability to reason.  They live in an instinctual state of innocence.

Anger is the thief of rationality, and the murderer of wisdom.  An Illuminated Soul acts with a calm demeanor and weighs their options unemotionally. Untamed humanity, on the other hand, will search for a means to justify depravity.  There are holocaust deniers, racists, slanderers, and hateful religious devotees.  The world is more than willing to provide one a means to discount beautiful things by creating an invalid defense for their behavior.

We would, on the other hand, live in a more brilliant state of corruption if we were nothing more than human, but because we ARE here, and not in other creatures, we have to fight.  The human fights back because it hates that we are trying to control it…the war seems always in motion.

As long as habit and routine dictate the pattern of living, new dimensions of the Soul will not emerge.Henry Van Dyke

The great cover-up is the fact that no masterful body of individuals, church, society, or secretive organization has monopolized the lie that we are surrounded by.  Each of us does it individually and to one another.  This cover-up is so worldwide and massive because it is the objective of each human to stay asleep.  The flesh shudders at the thought of losing rule of itself.  It works as a collective, forcing others into further slumber as well; a parent to a child, husband to wife, passersby, television, books, government, religion, etc.

The myth of terrestrialism has transformed into a false reality and is embedded in everything around us.  It has devalued us and has found a means of debating the existence of us as a Soul.  The human has used the tools of this world to prove that anything supernatural cannot be brought to light.  If it is not tangibly proven it does not exist to them.

The human errs in this because nothing supernatural can be gauged by the tools of the natural world.  Yet this is exactly how the clever human has created such a means of removing the Soul’s control.  It uses this world to convince itself that there is nothing beyond it.  If a human has the free ability to choose this without intervention, the Soul that dwells within doesn’t have a chance at regaining control outside of divine intervention.

What a brilliant action on the part of these clever creatures!  The human has slowly built this up over the generations to the point where it has full control.  They know that what the eyes see and the ears hear is the only measure of truth that exists.  How hubristic can one be?  Yet we have given in to it and work as a social whole, unaware of the fact that we are controlled by the very vessel we were supposed to use in order to explore and experience this wondrous place.

The world will not Awaken to the truth easily.   Religion hasn’t instigated it, war definitely won’t quell the problem, and our leaders are clueless.  Anything an autonomous human does will not work.  It can’t work because it is the action of the human given free reign, which by design is flawed.  The only thing that will, and does, change the world is the recognition of what we are and the compelling actions we take because of it.

The only way for peace to occur is when a greater part of society as a whole seeks Illumination.  This removes the actions of the unabashed human.

What can work in this world is the love and power of a Soul.  To be what we are:  Supernatural beings that are once more in control of that which we possess.  A Soul doesn’t just express love, it IS love.  Divine love is not part of the terrestrial; therefore it will only take something supernatural to put us back in order.  The human is too forceful for society to wake up yet, but if those of us that can wake up become emissaries of the truth, then over time we will come to our age of enlightenment, our age of peace, our age of love.

Humans all have a huge longing for evidence of a mystical or peaceful world beyond us.  This is because no matter how much a human demands control, it covets the Soul.  Such covetous yearnings give it a desire for something more than what this world provides.  This longing in itself is a testament to what you are.

I am here for a purpose and that purpose is to grow into a mountain, not to shrink to a grain of sand. Henceforth will I apply ALL my efforts to become the highest mountain of all and I will strain my potential until it cries for mercy.Og Mandino

The great cover-up is so strong that it is part of all humans; it is ingrained in them.  It has been passed down through each generation and has grown stronger with every birth (a new and impressionable acolyte).  Gone are the days where knights stand up in unison as they work toward a singular goal.  Men have become emasculated and women have lost their sense of direction.  The adamant pursuance of powerful groups that rise against factions in antiquity is seemingly a mark in a history book.

The only way to contest the onslaught of such a heightened state of global madness is to reveal the truth to every individual who will hear it.  We are warriors of the truth, and advocates of the light.  Time has honored us in that the world has never needed the truth more, and we have never been more skilled at providing it.

Aside from how we intend to pursue others, attempting to wake them up to a more enriching life, overwhelming pride should not be a part of the equation.  It is pride and grandiose thoughts that create stumbling blocks.  When rediscovering our selves, it empowers us, yet we are not the saviors of the world.

You should have no expectations as you work toward the greater good.  This is because of how the social consciousness of humanity works.  If those of us that are part of the beginning stage of waking humans up think that we can change the entirety of the world in our lifetime, our expectations are enormous.  Still yet, we should never gauge the magnitude of our reach; it is limitless in its abilities.

Once a Soul becomes Aware of the great cover-up and that even their VERY OWN vessel has conspired against them, it is a momentous occasion.  This occurrence is one of the first glimpses a Soul gets to look through the eyes of its human and possess a semblance of what it feels like to be at the controls.  Exhilaration flows through the body as a result. Thoughts of possible fulfillment and an indescribable moment of joy can overcome you.  It’s as if someone pulled scales from your eyes so that you could see for the first time.

Over time, through the struggles of cumulative experience removal, the Soul retains more and more control.  As this occurs the normal proclivities of the Soul are to recognize the horrors of what man’s advancement has done.  Civilization, as it is called, has arrived at the expense of removing us from an important responsibility.  It has taken away our symbiosis with the physical world’s balanced scheme.

The seed of information spread in the social consciousness works itself over time.  If during this generation enough of us provide the seed of truth to enough people, then like many other things that slowly evolve as time progresses, the truth will become part of it.  The vortex of social consciousness changes with each generation and humanity never stays the same.

We have to put the truth into the social atmosphere of this generation so that it can flower into a consciousness that will spread across to the world as a whole over time.  For any of us to fight with the fire, vigor, and passion necessary, we have to grow as Souls and attain the closest state of being that we possibly can achieve.  Only then will our fire never be vanquished and only then will we move as we are; part of the whole, compelled by the force of God.  We are children of the truth; we are Knights of the true covenant, and we are the messengers of change.

On every crossroad that leads to the future, each progressive spirit is opposed by a thousand men appointed to guard the past.Maurice Maeterlinck